

There has never been a more affordable, easy to use, yet comprehensive software package that gives you the ultimate in property management reporting and control than SPECTRA
Property Management Software.
SPECTRA Property
Management Software is designed for all types of management portfolios including multi-unit residential, commercial, industrial, office, shopping center, condominium, and HOA.
This state of the art software system is modular so you only invest in the exact functionality you need today while positioning yourself to expand cost effectively in the future. Available modules include:
Property Management Database
The Property & Lease Organizer is the comprehensive database engine of SPECTRA
Property Management Software. It's the tool that keeps you organized and allows you to record all of your of business details into a central, easily accessible database. It's an ideal productivity tool for everyone in the office because it allows all property management and leasing information to be recorded and accessed from one software application.
How It Works
The Property & Lease Organizer offers one central location for the capture, organization and reporting of information on virtually everyone and everything you deal with daily. Categories can include: properties, buildings, units, leases, tenants, applicants, former tenants, owners, suppliers, financial institutions, and employees among others.
Reporting Abilities
The Property & Lease Organizer is very comprehensive and provides you with the ability to report on an incredible array of critical business information. It is customizable so you can track and report on items that may be unique to your organization.
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Tenant Receivables
SPECTRA Property
Management Software
integrated Tenant Receivable module enables you to charge your tenants rent and track their outstanding receivable as well as security deposits. It includes over a dozen receivable related reports and automated invoices and statements. (return to modules)
Property Management Accounting
SPECTRA Property
Management Software accounting modules offer powerful and robust accounting functionality that allows you to easily and accurately record and track transactions for A/R, A/P, G/L, check writing, bank reconciliation and budgeting. It also offers flexible and customizable financial reporting.
General Features Include:
Cash or accrual based accounting
Flexible chart of account design
Multiple chart of accounts
Inter-company accounting
Single-step real time data entry
Charge code flexibility
G/L audit trail
Dozens of reports
Export all reports to Word or Excel
Full consolidation and investor pro rata reporting for financials
Job Cost
Spectra's Job Cost Module is fully integrated to the Accounting Module
and can function as an independent stand alone application or can share
the same robust database with the Property Management Module. Our Job
Cost Module can be used to efficiently manage almost any type of
construction project, from a basic tenant improvement to the complex
challenges of construction an entire building from scratch.
General Features Include:
Construction Budgeting
Subcontract Management
Change Order Management
Construction Loan Reporting
Tracking Insurance Certificates
Tracking Preliminary Notices
Budget Interface to
The Budget Interface module is a dynamic data exchange between SPECTRA
Property Management Software and Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet. Now you can easily export your budget information from
Property Management Software to an Excel spreadsheet for further analysis and manipulation, then import the edited budget figures back into
Property Management Software,- without re-keying, saving time and money! This module allows you to create your budgets faster and more accurately than ever
before. (return to modules)
MICR Laser Checks
Create laser printed magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) encoded checks for multiple bank accounts and multiple companies without using expensive
pre-printed check stock. The savings in time and money ensures a tremendous return on
investment. (return to modules)
Secured Check Signature Printing
Supplies a secure method of printing a facsimile signature on MICR supplier checks. If security levels are not met, the check will print with no signature. The signature file can be any standard graphics format (e.g. bmp, jpg, gif, tif, etc.). No more leaving signed blank checks in the office when signing authorities go on vacation!
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For Tenants Receivables
Eliminate the hassle and expense of late payments and bouncing checks by creating the electronic bank file that automatically debits a tenant's bank account for rent payments (automatic
withdrawal). (return to modules)
For Supplier Payments
Electronically pay supplier bills using SPECTRA
Property Management Software! By simply providing your bank with a supplier's name, account information, invoice numbers and amount to pay, you can automatically transfer funds from your account to your supplier's bank account. Both parties will be notified upon completion of the transaction.
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Commercial Recovery Calculation
Automates both the calculation and reconciliation of your Common Area Maintenance and escalation expenses. Detailed reports, amazing flexibility and pre-formatted letters will save you days of work monthly. Used for Commercial, Office, and Shopping Center
Properties. (return to modules)
Shopping Center Sales and
Percentage Rent Reporting Automates the calculation and reconciliation of your tenants percent rent break points as well as offering extensive sales
reporting. (return to modules)
Residential Coupon Interface
Creates a text file export from SPECTRA
Property Management Software
for interface to providers of payment remittance booklets (coupon books). Extremely cost effective, this simplifies the collection of rents or association fees, provides a professional looking remittance form, and can be use in conjunction with a lockbox. Includes a machine-readable “scan line?that can allow for automated data capture by a lockbox provider.
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Lock Box
No more trips to the bank! Use our Lockbox module to generate a machine-readable statement for tenant’s to use as a remittance form to send their rent or association fees directly to your bank or lockbox provider. Many banks will collect, record and deposit your rental income for you, then send an electronic notification of the deposited amount, which can be imported into
Property Management Software
- cutting down on data entry, speeding up rent collection and saving you hours of work each month.
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Maintenance Management
Schedules, monitors and reports on all aspects of your maintenance activities. Main functions include scheduling preventative maintenance and recording maintenance history by building and by unit. To eliminate duplicate data entry, the module is fully integrated to Accounts Payable. (return to modules)
Work Order and Inventory
Create work orders for internal maintenance staff or external vendors. Maintain an inventory of parts, which are updated when processing work orders. Fully integrated to A/R for tenant billing and to Maintenance for updating unit and building repair
history. (return to modules)
Integrated Background Screening
Undesirable tenants cost property owners millions of dollars each year in lost income, lost employee time and legal fees. But analyzing background reports can be time-consuming. And making sure your business rules are applied and enforced consistently seems impossible.
Domin-8's property management software solutions offer the option of fully integrated Background Screening, an automated applicant screening service.
Click Here for more information on Background Screening.
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Internet Enabled - Thin Client
Provides real time, remote site processing using a Wide Area Network. Allow your owners read only access to their personal portfolio via the Internet. Allow Staff to work from home. Reduces the need to continually upgrade desktop workstations. (return to modules)
Utility Billing
Whether you manually or electronically (additional
fees may apply) read your tenants' meters, this extremely flexible
module allows you to track consumption, bill a minimum charge and/or
designate multiple/tiered charge rates for your tenants' utilities. The
Utility Billing Module interfaces directly to the Tenant Receivable
Module so that you can automatically create invoices and statements. (return to modules)
Energy Tracking
Track a building's energy consumption by dollar and unit of measurement and compare it to previous years. Interfaces directly to Accounts Payable so your energy costs are only recorded once. Also compares energy costs to gross
profits. (return to modules)
Data Security
Never worry again about staff accessing information beyond their scope of concern. Spectra's Data Security Module limits system access by building and function in a number of ways by:
Providing either no access, inquiry only or full update
Limiting access to certain menu items
Restricting access by building or portfolio
SPECTRA Property
Management Software interfaces to a variety of industry leading payroll packages to provide comprehensive and flexible payroll functionality. All necessary details are easily imported into general ledger accounts for a centralized accounting and distribution of payroll related
information. (return to modules)
New York Porter Wage Escalations
Automates both the calculation and reconciliation of Porter Wages. Detailed reports automate billing and the pre-formatted letters will save you days of work. (return to modules)
New York Residential Lease Renewals
Do you spend ages on your lease renewals and government reporting? Now you can quickly create work files, detailed reports and the first page of the DHCR Renewal Lease Form. Our software will also create the lease renewal and update your charges codes. (return to modules)
Minnesota Certificate of Rent Paid
Completely automates the production of
these Minnesota Department of Revenue forms.
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Washington DC Termination Notice
Automates the production of the Washington State’s Termination Notice, including production of “Complaint for Possession?forms. (return to modules)
Ontario Rent Legislation Module
Efficiently produce rental increase and termination notices that meet the standards required by provincial law. (return to modules)
Manitoba Notice of Rent Increase
Efficiently produce rental increase that meet the standards required by provincial law. (return to modules)
Quebec Releve 4
Efficiently produce the Releve 4 form and Releve 4 Summary that is required by Quebec provincial law. Can use either dot matrix or laser printer. (return to modules)
Ontario MPAC
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation of Ontario (MPAC) requires
that property owners annually file information related to their properties?incomes and expenses,
rental and tenant verification data.
In past years MPAC accepted financial statements and rent rolls for this
information. Beginning in 2004, however, MPAC announced that the above method will no longer be
considered as compliant.
As of 2004, Spectra clients will have 3 options for submitting the above
noted information:
- Over the Internet - through MPAC’s site - manually filling out the
MPAC electronic rental data request forms.
- Manually completing the prescribed, hard copy MPAC “Tenant Verification
& Rental Request?and “Property Income & Expense Questionnaire?
- Quickly and easily send data
directly to MPAC from
Property Management Software with the MPAC Module.
Depending on the number of properties managed, methods 1 & 2 requires investing an inordinate
number of hours/days/weeks filling out and submitting the necessary information. Depending on the
number of tenants, owners have reported spending several hours completing the information for
just a single property. Additionally, this exercise must be completed annually. Finally,
manually entering the information exposes owners to potentially costly data entry and/or
transcription errors.
The great news is there is a much better way.
Developed in conjunction with MPAC, Spectra’s new MPAC Module automates the MPAC submission
process, exponentially reducing the time it takes to provide MPAC with the necessary data.
Property Management Software MPAC Module exports all the pertinent information regarding buildings,
units and tenants that MPAC requires. It includes full editing capability as well as data
This module will, without question, save you considerable time, effort and money as well as
dramatically reduce the potential for data entry errors.
There is no question that given the extremely laborious nature of manually completing the MPAC
forms, this module - from an investment
perspective - provides exceptional value. In fact, it
will very likely pay for itself in the first year alone.
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